About Us
The San Antonio Chapter offers its members unique and exclusive experiences with winery owners from all over the world and showcasing our city’s world-renowned cuisine. "Being part of the Bailliage de San Antonio has been rewarding for me both professionally and personally. Our Bailliage challenges the chef and I to be outside-the-box with a creative food and wine experience for our members. It is worth it by the smiles and hugs that we receive at the end of the evening. I have made so many friends from being a part of the Châine des Rotisseries that it makes each time we get together so very special."
- Jeff Degner, Vice Echanson.
Bailliage de San Antonio Founder
Ponce Heloise
Forty plus year Chaine Member, Officier Commandeur, Honoraire Bailli Ponce Heloise is the founder of the San Antonio Bailliage. She was the bailli from 1980 to 1990 -- ten years. Who is Ponce Heloise? Ponce is a writer, author, and speaker specializing in lifestyle hints, including consumer issues, pets, travel, food, home improvement, and health. Ponce was born in Waco Texas, graduated from Texas State University, San Marcos Texas, and resides in San Antonio Texas. A true "Texan."
Heloise's mother started a newspaper column in Honolulu in 1959 called "Hints from Heloise." Within just a few years, the column was appearing in over 600 newspapers worldwide. When the mother died in 1977, Ponce took over, but still had time to start the San Antonio Bailliage just three years later. Her column is still one of the most widely syndicated newspaper columns in America.
Ponce is also a contributing editor for Good Housekeeping magazine and writes the monthly column "Heloise to the Rescue." She has written 11 books, hosted a national radio show and is a nationally known speaker.